Have you heard of MTV's 16 and Pregnant? It's about 16 year old girls that got pregnant and allow us, the audience, to look at the problems they face while having their child. Did you know that 1 in every 3 teens will become pregnant by 19? Could you imagine your life being practically over? Just because you decided to sex. The US has the highest percentage of teen pregnancies and research says that most teens fail to use birth control or different types of contraceptives. Teen pregnancies usually result in school drop outs and failed relationships. Approximately 80% of fathers don't marry the teen mother which shows that children growing up away from their fathers tend to be 5 times more likely to be impoverished.
Cassandra's Babygirl
Cassandra Hart, a 17 year old junior who had it all. She had a great education, amazing friends, and an even better boyfriend. Things started going wrong when junior prom came around. Everyone always said that prom was the day everyone lost their "you know what" and she was determined to be one of those people.
After arriving at prom she met up with her friends and danced to the music all night long waiting for prom to be over. Although her boyfriend knew what Cassi had in mind he was frightened and was worried about the consequences. When he tried talking to Cassi she brushed it off and told him everything would be fine. After all, they loved each other right?
The prom had finished and Cassi and James, her boyfriend, were headed to a hotel room that had been reserved for them the night before. Cassi thought that that was what she wanted. After a couple weeks from that night, Cassi started feeling sick and she noticed she was getting a little bigger even though she ran almost everyday after school with her friends. Her period was a couple days late which started to worry her, so she took a pregnancy test.
Cassi was pregnant. When Cassi told her parents she was pregnant they were disappointed but stood by her and supported her. Everything was different when she broke the news to James though. James freaked out and raged on and on about how he tried talking to her and how she should abort the baby to make it easier on their lives, but after he had calmed down he said he was sorry and did't mean it. Cassi decided to keep the baby and James promised to be by her side throughout it all.
It came time when Cassi was due to give birth. She was failing classes due to too many missed school days and late or missing school assignments. After a while Cassi had started homeschooling which was a little easier, but even though she was homeschooled her teachers and mentors didn't cut her slack and often pushed her too hard, in her opinion. Cassi also felt like she didn't talk to her friends as often anymore, but when she tried making plans to meet up they always had homework or had other plans to go out.
After a while, Cassi was then admitted into the hospital. It was time to give birth to her baby girl. Everyone was there for her. Her parents, James, and her friends visited when possible after school. Cassi had had a long day but after 24 hours she had Mya, her daughter.
Fast forward a month. Cassi completely quit school because of how much time she needed with Mya. There was always time for school after Mya was older. Cassi hadn't talked to her friends since after she had Mya and James and her were in a fight about taking care of the baby. Cassi was constantly getting into it with her parents too because they didn't like how she stopped school or how she hasn't found a job yet either. They offered to babysit for her when possible.
Now, Cassi and James are broken up and have joint custody of Mya. She doesn't talk to any of her friends anymore and she no longer lived at home with her parents. She rented an apartment near a daycare center downtown and Cassi works in a diner while Mya is either at the daycare or at her parents, depending on if Mya's sick or not.
Cassi dates once in a blue moon but never finds time since Mya needs so much attention. She made new friends but still doesn't hang out much and Cassi now works two jobs to take care of diapers, food, and bills for the house.
Cassi can never take back what happened that night after prom but she never regrets keeping Mya. Even though in resulted in quite a twist. Cassi started school after Mya was five years old and even though she goes through rough patches here and there she keeps working to provide for her and her family.
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